Greg Mescall, a renowned American sports broadcaster, is a versatile commentator with extensive experience across multiple networks. Widely respected as an expert in water polo, he is a familiar voice for fans of the sport, particularly through his work with ESPN u USA Water Polo.
Women’s Total 7
Goalkeeper: Ashleigh Johnson (USA)
Central defender: Nicoleta Eleftheriadou (Greece)
Centre forward: Tilly Kearns (Australia)
Right side 1: Simone van de Kraats (Netherlands)
Right side 2: Jenna Flynn (USA)
Left side 1: Rita Keszthelyi (Hungary)
Left side 2: Alice Williams (Australia)
Men’s Total 7
Goalkeeper: Adrian Weinberg (USA)
Central defender: Aaron Younger (Australia)
Centre forward: Ben Hallock (USA)
Right side 1: Dusan Mandic (Serbia)
Right side 2: Konstantinos Genidounias (Greece)
Left side 1: Alvaro Granados (Spain)
Left side 2: Andrija Prlainovic (Serbia)
This year, jurors need to select the best player for each position. From that team, they must choose the one who stood out the most.
Players selected for the team receive 3 points, and the best player earns an additional 5 points.
Check out how did the other jurors voted – Total Player Award 2024