More than 50 expert coaches, team captains and media reps together with over 7600 public votes have decided - we are proud to announce the final standings!

Like every year, our extensive vote also produces the dream team of the past season - the 2021 TOTAL SEVEN.

They community has spoken! You supported your favourite players of 2021 with over 7600 votes - check out who managed to secure the public vote's bonus points.

Absolute Authorities
The Total Player Award 2021 features many well decorated jurors from 6 continents - true experts in their field. Their critical eyes have carefully followed every athlete's performance in the pools around the world, and they are ready to deliver their verdict.
Male Expert Jury Votes
Female Expert Jury Votes

Expert Media Jury Votes
Our Media Jury spans the entire globe, with expert voices from water polo's most dedicated media hubs.
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