A large group of Italian water polo players and coaches sent an open letter to the Italian Swimming Federation (FIN) and its president Paolo Barelli. The signatories of the letter call Federation not to cancel the national championships, as it has happened in some other leagues in Italy (volleyball and basketball).
They want to continue the league as soon as possible, of course, when the situation with the coronavirus pandemic gets better and when the authorities allow reopening the sports centers, in compliance with the safety conditions that will be dictated by laws.
The Olympic Games are postponed. So the water polo league can be played during the summer. The players and coaches are ready to discuss with the Federation to find a solution on how to continue the leagues.
The letter:
βDear President Barelli, Dear Federation,
in this time when the daily bulletins speak of falling numbers (number of new coronavirus cases and deaths β Ed.), it seems right to us to submit our thoughts about the possible continuation of the sporting activities with particular reference to the championships suspended due to the health emergency that is tormenting our country.
Only and exclusively when the government and health authorities allow the resumption of sports activities, we believe that the championships can start again from the moment they were suspended, finding shared formulas and methods, also considering the increase in the available dates dictated by the postponement of the Olympics.
We care about the regularity of the championships that have seen us engaged for many months, and we give equal importance to the agreements on salaries and fees: many athletes and technicians have an important source of support in water polo (for some, the only one! ), with which to provide for personal expenses, for families and children. Canceling the championships would mean severely penalizing for them. Continuing would mean giving continuity and not turning off the spotlight for many months on one of the most important sports that will culminate at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics
We are therefore willing to sit at a table together and evaluate possible solutions, making ourselves available. We also hope that our sports associations and clubs will be supported at this difficult moment. Our sport has taught us to fight and never give up, we know how to get up from the difficulties, and we want to do it again, together.β
A total of 66 persons signed the letter. Among them are coaches Alessandro Bovo (Brescia), Marco Baldineti (Sport Management), Stefano Piccardo (Ortigia), Alberto Angelini (Savona),Roberto Gatto (Roma), Martina Miceli (Orizzonte Catania, female team), teamsβ captains Aleksandar Ivovic (Pro Recco), Christian Presciutti (Brescia), Massimo GIacoppo (Ortigia),Cristiano Mirarchi (Sport Management)β¦